
Sales Compensation “Alignment” Is the Key to Its Success

The sales compensation plan needs continuous review and updating to ensure alignment with evolving go-to-customer strategies. Of particular interest is how various business planning processes—revenue/expense budgeting, account potential, sales capacity, territory, quota and forecasting—work together to power the sales compensation program.

Companies are constantly looking to improve their internal processes and tools to enable them to execute their go-to-customer models more effectively and efficiently. There does not exist a singular best-in-class template to execute these revenue planning processes. They will vary based on industry, solution offering, company growth phase and go-to-customer model. Therefore, detailed planning processes must evolve over time.

This whitepaper explores the seven call-to-action revenue growth steps your business should take to drive sales compensation success.

  1. Build the Revenue Plan
  2. Vet the Sales Expense Budget and its ROI Impact
  3. Use Account Segmentation & Potential to Identify Revenue Opportunities
  4. Analyze Sales Force Capacity
  5. Develop Territories
  6. Manage Quota Allocation
  7. Adopt Sales Forecasting

Download this whitepaper to learn more on how to drive sales compensation success.


Need Help with Your Sales Compensation Program?

Recognized as the experts in sales compensation, Alexander Group partners with our clients to assess, align, design and implement robust sales compensation programs.

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