
The Rise of the Revenue Leader Executive Summary

Revenue leaders have many different titles and responsibilities. The key to their success does not lie in the title but in the actions they take to harmonize the marketing/sales/service complex across the entire customer journey.

How revenue leaders are fulfilling this mandate was the theme of the 2018 AGI Leadership Series: Rise of the Revenue Leader. Across five core events, more than 40 speakers, executive panelists and interactive roundtables considered this topic from multiple angles.

What must the revenue leader do to succeed?

Here are the five actions that topped the list:

  1. Target strategic points in the customer journey to exert influence
  2. Meet customers where they are
  3. Build bridges to all the customer-touching functions
  4. Digitally serve all customers
  5. Balance execution with agility

Download the whitepaper to read key insights about these five actions and how you can apply them to your organization.

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