XaaS Buyer Journey Through ILAER Sales Process
A Fortune 500 high tech company is in the process of transforming their offerings from a hardware/capital equipment provider to an as-a-Service (aaS) solution provider including hardware, software and services. The change in offerings dictated a new engagement model that would span the entire
customer lifecycle across Identify, Land, Adopt, Expand and Renew (ILAER).
With the move to as-a-Service, the company needed to better understand how to cover the entire customer lifecycle, not just at the initial sale. However, as a hardware manufacturer, the company had little insight into customer behaviors after the initial sale, and therefore, were not in a position to design new coverage and customer engagement models required for success.
Alexander Group interviewed over 100 customers and buyers across the market to understand their purchase, usage and engagement
preferences. From this assessment, Alexander Group created a new view of the buyer journey and a coverage design to meet the needs of “new” buyer requirements. Specifically, the team identified four distinct buyer journeys and the associated recommended coverage models needed to address part of the ILAER life cycle, including an emphasis on areas for digitization. Alexander Group also developed extensive collateral to characterize each journey, including gap prioritization, roles and responsibilities, digital enablement models, buyer personas and product use cases.
The company and team were able to uncover four major customer buyer journeys and identify the largest areas of improvement across the ILAER sales cycle to improve customer engagement. The company is now in the process of implementing the recommended engagement model, including digital resources to optimize the customer experience, expand use of the offerings and increase renewal rates.

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