Alexander Group Insights
Case Studies
Technology: Designing an Optimized Voice of Customer Strategy
Business Services: Marketing Assessment Supports Transformational Growth
Healthcare: Innovative Strategy to Increase Marketing Headcount Investment
Technology: Assessing Factors Inhibiting Lead Quality and Conversion
Life Sciences: Integrating Acquisitions Into a Combined Full-Portfolio Sales Model
Manufacturing: Redesigning Sales Comp to Support Acquisition Integration
AdTech: Job Leveling for Global Growth
Life Sciences: Continue the Sales Transformation
AdTech: Aligning Sales Comp to Aggressive Goals
Media: Legacy Print-to-Digital Leader Requires New Sales Focus
Manufacturing: Unified Sales Comp for a Global Food Company
Case Study: Simplifying Sales Comp Plans
Case Study: Startup Develops New Sales Comp Plans
MedTech: Diagnostics Commercial Model Evolution
Case Study: Global Framework for Sales Comp Consistency