Open Opportunities

Contemporary And Actionable Insights

Research that answers questions and solves problems

It becomes easier to accept risk and initiate change when you have credible benchmarks available. Research you can trust—with the type of data that leads to actionable insights.


At Alexander Group, we base our opinions on experience and facts.

Some insights are derived from our general project data — the thousands of distinct data points on sales utilization and revenue growth that feed our benchmarking database and keep our knowledge current. The rest is from our yearly research opportunities that increase our collective knowledge on revenue growth and best practices. These opportunities include surveys ranging from general practice to industry and company-specific issues and actions, virtual roundtable discussions, advisory councils, symposiums and forums.

Current Research Openings

Be a Survey Sponsor

Sponsor a customized survey to benefit from highly targeted data that focuses on specific issues, while other participants gain access to the aggregate data.